Arts & Music

Gimme Five! Matt Kalb of Le Weekend

Matt Kalb, Robert Biggers, and Bob Wall (aka the men of Le Weekend) know how to shake up pop sensibilities with experimental layers and enigmatic structures, but can their fearless lead singer/guitarist handle the gimme five treatment? See for yourself after the jump.

1. If your band were a movie, which would it be? (and why?)
Some friends of mine in high school rented a horror movie about witches or Satanists or some such standard fare. They found it so laughable that about halfway through they overrode the copy-protect and videotaped themselves in a red-lit room with hooded robes and guitar pedal effects on their voices, acting like they were part of the movie for a while before breaking fourth wall to speculate on the imagined viewer’s thought process in having stuck with it this long. Then they recorded the end of a Green Acres episode. This pretty much captures our songwriting process.

2. When was the moment you first thought music was something you might like to try?
I switched from public to Catholic school in Jr. High which meant instant exposure to metal. I remember hearing cassette dubs of thrash bands (Metallica, Slayer, and Testament if memory serves) while on a field trip to some day campground, and immediately I wanted to play guitar. I’d “sing” along with guitar parts instead of vocals, employing an extremely dorky mouth distortion sound for all the chunky rhythms. I still whip out that sound today, but now it’s with self-awareness…that’s how I get you.

3. Describe the last time you totally jammed out to a song.
In my car last Friday and I kept repeating “Push” by the Cure, because that’s a song structured to be heard over and over. I’m afraid there’s not much to describe though – no frenetic dancing while driving; it’s kind of a rule. I just sang along loudly (with the vocal part, I should clarify, since I’ve learned how to play a real guitar since the time alluded to in question #2) and each time it ended I said to myself, “Well, just one more time.”

4. Who/what might be a few inspirations or influences that would really surprise people?
Cyndi Lauper’s She’s So Unusual. I love the way the record sounds and the quality of her voice. Wait, did you say “surprise people” or “chagrin my bandmates?” In fact, I just got an idea for the covers list. Also, Stevie Wonder’s Songs in the Key of Life is my first cogent musical memory, with my parents playing it repeatedly when I was three.

5. What did you dream of being when you were a kid? (how ’d that turn out?)
When I was young, I wanted to be a lawyer or a politician or a scientist or a Republican. A couple of those would have been OK to me now, but I’m not too concerned none came to fruition. Playing music supplanted prior dreams, and turned out to be the right one to stick with….although I’m boring enough to dream with unnecessary realism and practicality, because I don’t recall dreaming much about “making it” so much as “playing shows and occasionally people will show up and listen.” Still reaching for that star.

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Keep on the lookout to catch Le Weekend live.  And by all means, give Matt a high five when you see him!