Arts & Music

Gimme Five! Billy Sugarfix

summertempests“I should rent some movies / Lock myself in my room / Try to get my drinking under control / Post a new entry to a blog that no one reads / And concede / That I’m getting old,” Billy Sugarfix reasons in the first lines on the first track (“Out Like a Lamb”) of his latest record Summer Tempests.  But, if you’ve caught even a whisper of any of Sugarfix’s incredibly creative output, then you know that isn’t reason, it’s madness and it’s exactly the opposite of what needs to happen. No concession, no “getting older” so-called maturity should impede the art that so seemingly nonchalantly flows through his head and out to his fingertips onto blogs and televisions and especially into speakers.

Sugarfix has made an ineffable mark on the local scene.  A montage of his time might note his rambles rocking out as one third of the much beloved Evil Weiner, his jaunts busking solo, his moments crafting pop vocal gems as one half of Password to Larkspur Lane, and even his side business creating custom serenades.  That foreshortened list of credits alone would be evidence enough of his energy and  drive, but, ever the entertainer, it’s also not the end for Sugarfix.  Just recently, he’s started a new project, Billy Sugarfix’s Carousel, a five piece chamber pop ensemble that features a few familiar faces.  Curious ears can catch this chapter of the Sugarfix experience live at The Nightlight on Saturday, March 20 where the Carousel will be joined by The Houston Brothers, Anna Bullard, and John Harrison of North Elementary.

And now just your standard nonstandard five question interrogation:

1. If your band were a movie, what would it be?ed wood

Ed Wood, and by that I mean the biographic film directed by Tim Burton.  When you boil it all down this film is about a bunch of oddly skilled misfits who pool their resources to make something really unique, which is what I hope to do with Billy Sugarfix’s Carousel.

2. When did you start collecting Busby style hats?

Evil Wiener has a song called Marching Band.  When it first came out Ron Liberti and Groves Willer got me this really nice red one to wear when we played the song.  I ended up wearing it until it was all but destroyed.   When it became absolutely un-wearable I began looking for a replacement.  I couldn’t find one exactly like it so I just began collecting every one that I came across.   Ever since I started this collection I have been given constant positive reinforcement in the form of questions such as this one, so as long as you all keep asking me about it I’ll keep collecting them.  I currently have 17.

billysugarfix3. Describe your feelings about performing. (Why do you often wear a mask, costumes, etc?)

I use the mask to represent a devil may care attitude and an absolute commitment to entertain.  I will admit though, that I’ve felt my guitar style is so simplistic that it isn’t enough to carry a performance and I therefore wear the mask to compensate for the lack of finger-picking and lead lines.   I’ve recently started being a lot more serious about guitar playing and have decided to temporarily discontinue the use of masks, and to compensate for my developing skill by surrounding myself with brilliant musicians such as those in the Carousel (Justin Blatt-Viola, Sara Zaleta-vocals, Doug Vuncannon-Double Bass, Wendy Spitzer-Oboe)

4. Who/what might be a few inspirations or influences that might really surprise people?

Enya.  I like Enya.  Yes that’s right…the Celtic New Age “Sail Away” lady.  I think Orinoco Flow is a brilliant piece of music.  So there.

Another huge influence that deserves mentioning is the Trekky Yuletide Orchestra.  Seeing all those strings, brass,  and woodwinds work in a rock club setting really kind of set me on the path to writing for and incorporating  classical instrumentation into what I’m doing.

5. What did you dream of being when you were a kid? (How ’d that turn out?)

I was dead set on being a fighter pilot until I discovered that the Air Force no longer used bi-planes.

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Take a ride on Billy Sugarfix’s Carousel this Saturday, March 20 at The Nightlight.  And by all means, when you see him give Billy a high five!

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